Become a NACS Sponsor
The National Agricultural Communications Symposium is regularly attended by approximately 100 participants interested in improving research, teaching, and practice in our field. As a leader serving in industry or academia, we know you see the value in providing research and networking opportunities for researchers, communicators, educators, and students.​ Through your generosity and monetary support, we can continue advancing the agricultural communications discipline for years to come. ​​
Our sponsorship guide showcases sponsorship levels and the benefits of supporting the Symposium and the agricultural communications discipline. View our sponsorship guide for more information on how you can support NACS.​
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
Bronze Sponsors
Logo on NACS Website
Digital Sponsor Signage
Silver Sponsors
Logo on NACS Website
Digital Sponsor Signage
Sponsor a Student**
Sunday Breakfast Sponsor
Recognized Sponsor of Paper/Poster Sessions​
Gold Sponsors
Logo on NACS Website
Digital Sponsor Signage
Sponsor a Student**
Sunday Breakfast Sponsor
Recognized Sponsor of Paper/Poster Sessions
Sunday Student Lunch Sponsor
Platinum Sponsors
Logo on NACS Website
Digital Sponsor Signage
Sponsor a Student**
Sunday Breakfast Sponsor
Recognized Sponsor of Paper/Poster Sessions
Sunday Student Lunch Sponsor
Monday Refreshment Sponsor
**Student registration cost of $85 will be provided as a scholarship to undergraduate or graduate students selected through a needs-based application process.
Support NACS
Please contact one of our Sponsorship Co-chairs if you have questions or want to become a NACS Sponsor.
Sponsorship Co-Chair
Sponsorship Co-Chair